Fly Tying Video - John Collins Ties the Amber StimulatorFor this weeks Fly Tying video, John Collins gives us an Eastern take, on a Western staple. The Amber Stimulator imitates an Egg Laying Stonefly, but in a size and shade more appropriate for Eastern Streams. For the East use a Dai Riki 270 #12 thru #16, for the West tie this in the #6 range and in the appropriate colors. For Eastern streams and rivers this is a fantastic pattern to fish at dusk and in to the dark. Remember to try some action on this fly. Egg Laying Stoneflies land and take off many times in this process, making a commotion on the water. Skittering your fly and ignoring traditional dead drift presentation can be the key to triggering the rise. Think about the wake a motor boat leaves behind it. You may also want to jiggle the rod tip a bit.